Rising Brook Carols 2024
Join us for our 2024 Carol Services taking place at Rising Brook Community Church at 4:00pm & 7:00pm on Sunday 17th December.
Sign up for your free ticket at risingbrook.org/christmas.

Stories at The Well
Join us for our latest women’s ministry event, Stories at The Well, with guest speaker Grace Marshall. Refreshments from 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start.

Curious about faith?
Join a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. At each Alpha session, you’ll be hosted in a small group and watch an episode on a different question of faith – then you have a chance to share your thoughts and hear what others think. You can say anything you like, or nothing at all. Everyone’s welcome. You’re invited, no matter your background or beliefs. It’s free and there’s no pressure to come back.
Our next Alpha course starts on Tuesday 30th January at 7pm-9pm and runs for eight weeks at Rising Brook Community Church.
Sign up and find out more at risingbrook.org/alpha

Rising Brook Carols 2023
Join us for our 2023 Carol Services taking place at Rising Brook Community Church at 4:30pm & 7:00pm on Sunday 17th December.

The Lost Star - Rising Brook’s 2023 Christmas Show
Rising Brook Church’s community show returns for December 2023.
Join us this December for our latest Rising Brook community performance The Lost Star. This original tale will take us on a fantasy adventure that will be great fun for all ages.
Public performances will be happening on Thursday 7th 7:30pm, Friday 8th 7:30pm, Saturday 9th 2:30pm & Saturday 9th 7:30pm.
Book your tickets now at risingbrook.org/loststar

Worship Night
Join us for an evening of worship at Rising Brook Community Church from 6:30pm on Sunday 12th November. All are welcoem to join us in praise and fellowship as we gather from across our church locations and beyond.

Cancelled: Fireworks Extravaganza 2023
Please note that our Fireworks Extravaganza has unfortunately been cancelled for this year due to weather forecast. We apologise for any disappointment!

The Liberator (presented by The Saltmine Theatre Company)
The Liberator presented by The Saltmine Theatre Company
In a town just like yours, hope is in short supply. Cynicism reigns; power overrides justice; lying is as easy as breathing. Until one day, a series of peculiar events begin to splinter normality: the sick rise from their beds, the dead live again and the oppressed glimpse a life worth living. For the first time, the town's bloodstream seems to thrum with change. At the centre of it all: a strange man radiating love. But who is he? And how long before the powers that be crack down on this subversive, this radical, this 'Liberator'?
Inspired by the work of Rob Lacey and reimagined by Richard Hasnip, The Liberator is a passionate retelling of the life and teaching of Jesus. Told in a modern idiom, this is a gospel at once faithful and utterly fresh.

The Difference Course
Difference is a new five-week course that equips us to cross divides, navigate disagreement and pursue a just and flourishing world.

Big Sunday
Join us as we celebrate being one church family together and launch into an exciting autumn season in the life of our church.
Big Sunday is when all of our church locations gather together for a service of worship and praise. Come along and be part of the celebration on Sun 10 Sep at Rising Brook Community Church at 10:30am.
Tots (1-5s), Kids (5-11s) & Youth (11-14s) programmes will all be running alongside the main service.