Give to Christmas Appeal 2024
Thank you for joining us at our Christmas services this year. You can give to our Christmas Appeal at the link below.
Following Jesus involves giving our whole life to Him including our abilities, our time, and our money. As we do this we discover that God gives so much more to us. The Bible encourages Jesus’ followers to give according to their income (a tithe) plus additional offerings to God.
In Malachi 3:8 it says: “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple… I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!”
Giving enables us to carry out God’s work in the local area and across the world.
The healthiest way to give, is regularly from our income. So, if you are paid monthly, give monthly; if weekly, give weekly.
We encourage giving in this way as we recognise that if we don’t decide our giving from our income, it will be decided by our lifestyle.
If you want to talk to someone about giving sustainably please contact Tim Herriott, Head of Finance.
Bank Transfer (BACS), Internet Banking or Banking App
The easiest way to give regularly is by standing order. If you access your banking online the details are as follows:
Account Name: Rising Brook Baptist Church
Sort Code: 30-98-00
Account Number: 00404757
Please ensure your name is included in the reference so that, if appropriate, we can claim Gift Aid on your giving.
The details above can also be used for giving to us at any time.
(If you want to set-up a standing order but don’t use online banking you can download our Standing Order form here)
Service Offerings
As well as receiving giving via standing order and bank transfers, our church services provide an opportunity to give in person as part of our worship to God.
Therefore, if you prefer to give by cheque (payable to ‘RBBC’) or cash, this is the place to do so.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer we can claim an additional 25% on top of your giving from the UK government under the gift aid scheme.
You can download a Gift Aid form from this link and follow the instructions on it to enable us to do so.
Online Giving
If you have watched our service online, or want to support the work we do then thank you.
As well as the methods of giving already outlined, another option for you is giving through our website.
This is an easy way for all visitors to give, plus a great place to start your journey of giving.
Special Offerings
In addition to encouraging regular giving to the work of our church, we promote offerings to specific causes throughout the year.
Our current special offerings are:
Legacies and One-off Gifts
As well as regular giving we encourage you to consider leaving a gift to Rising Brook in your will, and also to give generously at other times, such as when you’ve received significant additional income (say a bonus from work or an inheritance).
In leaving a gift to us in your will, our charity number is 1136190, or if you want advice on how to write such a legacy please contact Tim Herriott, Head of Finance.
Giving as Part of our Journey Together
We encourage one another to give their tithe to church and to talk about giving and generosity as we meet in small groups. Also giving well requires stewarding well. Stewarding is more than budgeting/managing/looking after our resources, it’s looking after/using well (ethically) what God has given us and what is around us. If you want any help on this, please contact Tim Herriott, Head of Finance.
Watch this video explaining the ‘why’ behind our giving and generosity.