Rising Brook in partnership with Signposts Services, across all our locations, has an integrated approach to helping people. We aim to bring practical help, hope and order so that lives and homes can be rebuilt.
The Food Bank based at Rising Brook Community Church supports local people who find themselves temporarily experiencing particular hardship.
Donations of non-perishable food are always welcome. This is supplemented by surplus fresh stock from local retail outlets. Our current opening hours are Wednesday to Friday 10:00am – 12:00pm.
All Rising Brook locations operate as centres throughout the week offering a safe space. An important aspect on how we run our centres is the role of Chaplaincy. Chaplaincy takes place through our welcome and presence along-side those receiving the services we deliver and participating in the activities we provide. Welcome and friendship building is at the heart of all we do providing places to belong, receive and give. If you would like someone to talk to, or pray for you, please contact us.
Working around Staffordshire, our aim is to provide anyone in need with a bed, wardrobe, chest of drawers, easy chair or sofa. If you would like to donate furniture, need our help or know someone else in need, follow the link below.
We offer assistance with debts, utilities, benefits, budgeting, employment, plus more. Drop in & visit us for information & guidance at Rising Brook Community Church between 10:15 am – 12:30 pm on Tuesdays. Our Tuesday drop-in sessions are 10-minute assessments to determine what help you need and book a timed appointment to deal with your enquiry.
Open House provides a welcoming meeting place with food and activities where older people can actively contribute and feel a valued part of the community. We aim to reduce loneliness and social isolation by increasing social networks, which has been shown to positively affect overall physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Crash revolves around a group of volunteers who want to see new life brought to the Boroughs of Stafford, Cannock and areas around Staffordshire.
We offer help with decorating, cleaning, plumbing, gardening and so on, for people who may not otherwise be able to benefit from such work, due to lack of money, additional needs, single parents, etc. Contact us below if you would like to help or you need help yourself.