Join us for 40 days of prayer & worship

Wed 5th Mar - Sun 20th Apr

As we explore our 2025 theme of MORE, we want to intentionally spend a focused time with God seeking his direction and call for our lives, our church and our local communities. We believe that prayer works and that it is more than just words, so we can’t wait for you to join us on this journey and experience what God does.


Join us each week for a prayer gathering that will act as way-markers on our journey together as we meet to share stories of how God is at work and to focus our prayer on particular topics.

More details coming soon…


If you sign up to our Prayer Works emails then you’ll get a special email every weekday morning to help us engage in prayer together wherever we are.


You can also join us on Instagram Live at lunchtime each day for a short moment of prayer and reflection.

How do I pray?

Prayer is simply a conversation with God. You can do it out loud, in your head; with others, on your own; at home, anywhere else. Here’s theologian N. T. Wright explaining more about what prayer is.

Throughout these 40 days we’re suggesting a few different ways of praying:

  • Praying on your own - perhaps during a quiet time each day. (Make sure you’re signed up to our prayer prompt emails to help us focus our prayers together.)

  • Gathering to pray with others - whether in person or online, we’ll be following a schedule of different times of prayer that you can join in with. Pick whichever ones you’re able to be part of and be intentional in doing these 14 days together with others in our church family. Equally, you may want to meet up with friends or your small group to pray together too.

  • Trying alternative types of prayer - there’s a long history of followers of Jesus praying in different ways and it can be helpful to try new and alternative approaches to praying that expand how we pray (We’ll suggest some options in our daily emails.)

How do I fast?

In an age and a society where our streets are full of takeaway deliveries and McDonalds, and we tend to eat whenever we feel like it and whatever we want, fasting can seem quite an odd concept to get our heads around.

Fasting involves voluntarily and deliberately abstaining from food for spiritual purposes. Whatever you might choose to give up, it’s about intentionally creating time to be with God. It is not about dieting or missing meals or forgetting to eat for physical reasons or to do with eating disorders.  It can be fasting from all food (but not water), or it can be a partial fast of certain sorts of food.

Or if it’s not suitable for you to fast from food due to pregnancy, a medical condition or an eating disorder then consider fasting from TV, social media, your phone or anything else that will help you create space to spend time with God.

We’re not suggesting that you stop eating for 40 whole days(!) but you may want to partial fast from something for all two weeks, or fast from one meal for all 40 days, take part in a few specific days of fasting during the time, or give up a combination of food and lifestyle things for the whole time. It’s completely up to you, and what you feel will enable you to connect with God.

If you are considering a full fast from food, please have a look at these guidelines: Fasting Guide